The Prodigal Altar Boy

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Prodigal Altar Boy Blog - Honor Your Gifts 6 - SUPPORT EACH OTHER!

Honor Your Gifts – The Breakdown
Honor your gifts, which come from God. Period.  

6.    Support. Each. Other. Musicians always have other things going on and you should be attending those things.  

If the only contact you have with the musicians on your team is rehearsal and services, you are missing out.  Staying abreast of what’s going on in your fellow Worship Team member’s lives is part of becoming a team.  If you look at worship as a lifestyle, a life choice, a decision on how you want to live, then being involved in the lives of others on the team is a natural extension of that decision.  

Musicians, like all creative artists, ALWAYS have something on.  Whether it is a song they’re writing, a piece they have to learn to support another artist, their own gig, classes they’re taking, etc., creative people continually create and knowing what the team is into outside of the worship team paradigm is a resource for ideas on creating, as well as opportunities to support other artists.

Supporting other artists makes you a better artist.  When you come out for a team member’s event, you reaffirm that person’s gifts, and says you value those gifts.  Music, particularly live performance, is the ultimate vulnerability, and with vulnerability comes stress.  Seeing a familiar face offering encouraging words can be the calm someone needs.  

Get out there and see what everyone else is doing!  You’re busy?  So is everyone else.  We all have the same twenty-four hours in a day.  How you use them is a personal choice.  Sacrifice the routine for something you’ve never done before and support your team.  You’ll get to see another side of them.  You might even be inspired to play out more.

Supporting your team members puts you in contact with other artists doing interesting things, which you should also be supporting.  Sensing a trend here?  ARTISTS SHOULD BE SUPPORTING OTHER ARTISTS.  Every time a gallery closes, every time a live venue closes, there is no end to the hand-wringing and sermonizing about “support for the arts,” and that “support” is a charity that begins at home, artists.  If we believe in our gifts, we believe in the gifts of others and the love those gifts were given with compels us to acknowledge, honor and nurture those gifts.